The Government continued to deny internationally recognized worker rights, including freedom of association. 政府继续拒绝接受国际公认的劳工权利,包括结社自由。
Uphold freedom of association and the right of collective bargaining; 维护结社自由和集体谈判权;
Chinese law also fully guarantees the freedom of association. 此外,中国法律充分保障公民的结社自由。
Eradicate laws that can be interpreted to deny freedom of association, or freedom to travel, to prostitutes within and between countries. ◎去除可被诠释为禁止娼妓于国内或国际间结社或旅行自由之法律。
Fact-finding and Conciliation Commission on freedom of association; 结社自由实况调查和调解委员会;
We respect the dignity of the individual and the right of employees to freedom of association. 我们尊重个人的尊严和雇员结社的自由。
We are committed to working with employees to develop and enhance each individual's skills and capabilities. We respect the dignity of the individual and the right of employees to freedom of association. 我们承诺与所有雇员合作一起提高每个人的技术和能力。我们尊重个人的尊严和雇员结社的自由。
The Rule of Law and the Freedom of Association 依法治国与结社自由
Thirdly, the protection and limitation of the freedom of association is a vital problem. 再次,结社自由的保障与限制构成了结社自由中的一个非常重要的问题。
Firstly, an analysis on the jurisprudent basis of the freedom of association is necessary. 首先,研究结社自由就有必要对结社自由的法理基础进行探讨。
It is the emergence of civil society theory surface of the response to the rule of law, freedom of association is the prerequisite for the development of the community, but also the rule of law ultimately formed the foundation. 市民社会理论的兴起正是对法治表层化的回应,而结社自由则是市民社会发展的前提,也是法治最终形成的基础。
For the further development on our freedom of association, the legislation on it should be intensified. 要进一步发展和完善我国的结社自由,就必须加强结社自由的立法建设。
Freedom of Association in Constitution: Attributes, Values and Restrictions 论结社自由权的宪法权利属性、价值及其限制
Firstly, as a member state of International Labor Organization, we have the obligation to observe the Core Labor Standards of freedom of association. 一是作为国际劳工组织成员,我们有遵守自由结社的劳工标准的义务。
The freedom of association as well as modern public administration legal system stipulated by the constitution has impelled the social nationalization and the national socialization advancement and caused the vigorous growth of mass organization. 宪法规定的结社自由以及现代公共行政的法制化推动了社会国家化和国家社会化进程,也导致社团的勃兴。
So it is very important to pay special attention to the core labor standards, especially the Labors 'Three Rights ( the freedom of association, the right of collective bargaining, and the right of strike). 因此重视核心劳工标准、尤其是劳动三权(自由结社权、罢工权和集体谈判权)具有非常重要的意义。
It works with painting images of the senses beyond the specific facts described in the freedom of association into the subconscious, thereby creating a flow of changing beauty. 借助绘画意象使其作品超越了具体事实的感官描述,进入潜意识的自由联想,从而创造了一种流动变幻的美。
In fact the freedom of association is limited in the aspect of the law and administrative government. 但在现实中结社自由权在法律上和行政管理中都受到很大的限制。
Firstly, hotel employee social responsibility has a significant positive effect on employee satisfaction; moreover, health and safety, freedom of association and negotiation, forced labor, wage system, discrimination and punishment five aspects impact employee satisfaction significantly. 研究发现:酒店员工社会责任对员工满意度有显著正向影响,且发现健康与安全、结社与谈判、强迫性劳动、工资和歧视与惩戒是影响员工满意度的重要责任层面。
Volunteers of rights is not only related to the citizens freedom of association, independently choose the right, also influence the realization of volunteers and the healthy development of the volunteer organizations, and the realization of social justice and the establishment of harmonious society. 志愿者的权益保障不仅关系到公民自由结社、自主选择等权利的实现,也影响着志愿者和志愿者组织的健康发展、社会公平的实现和和谐社会的构建。
The freedom of association is of basic right of constitution and has an important constitutionalism value. 结社自由权是宪法赋予的一项基本权利,具有重要的宪政价值。
In the charity supervision and Regulation legislation, the Republic of the Constitution provided the freedom of association rights, and the civil law established the legal status of charitable organizations. 在慈善团体监管立法方面,民国宪法规定有结社自由的权利,并在民法中确立了慈善团体的法人地位。
Starting from the constitutional foundation of trade association, I elaborate the origins, sources, and constitutions of freedom of association. The main purport is to emphasize constitutional background of associational autonomy. 在本部分中,作者首先从行业协会的宪法基础出发,着重论述了结社自由权的缘由,起源和构成要素,其主旨在于强调行业协会自治的宪法性背景。
Legal provisions of compulsory membership seem to conflict with citizen freedom of association; but in fact, they obtain the validity support from the rule that "right of association can be reasonably restricted for the needs of the public interest". 法律上的强制加入规定看似与公民结社自由相冲突,但实际上从结社权为公共利益需要可以被合理限制的规则中获得正当性支持。
The freedom of association right is the constitution foundation which the owner committee exists. 结社自由权是业主委员会存在的宪法基础。
No political unlimited freedom of association is a very difficult to achieve this goal. 没有政治结社自由的无限性是很难做到这一点的。
In the atmosphere of the constitutional, freedom of association of citizens, it is no doubt that legal persons and social groups have the right of freedom. 从宪法的角度来看,非政府组织涉及的是公民的结社权利和结社自由。结社自由是公民、法人和社会团体依据宪法享有的基本权利之一。
From the company formed to analysis, it is the freedom of association, ownership, right of freedom of contract and the interaction that make rights of shareholders become a kind of special independent right. 从公司的形成来分析,正是在结社自由权、所有权、契约自由权的相互作用下,股东权利成为一种特殊的独立的权利。
Imperfect legislation is a major cause of social groups to survive the difficulties, and to some extent it will affect the exercise of the right to freedom of association and Implementation. 立法不完善是引起社会团体生存困难的主要原因,并在一定程度上影响了公民结社自由权的行使与实现。
College students 'freedom of association are protected by the Constitution, Meanwhile, colleges and universities need to regulate the students' freedom of association for the reasons of teaching and other public order. 高校学生的结社自由受宪法保护,同时高校为了教学等公共秩序需要对学生的结社自由进行规制。